Getting a Building or Pest Inspection

The importance of a building and pest inspection.

In most cases, properties are as inspected by the buyer and usually, no not cause too much of a concern, particularly if they are under 10 years of age. Having said that, no home or property should ever be considered without making independent and thorough inquiries into it’s structural soundness and maintenance history.

Horror stories such as termite riddled houses or major structural defects can be alleviated by simply engaging a qualified building and pest inspector as part of the conditions of your contract.  The cost of such a service is minimal in comparison to what it might cost you if you avoid such an inspection!  The report produced will either give you peace of mind or, it will raise potential areas of concern that require fixing prior to settlement on the property.

Chat with the sales agent as invariably they have a number of Building and Pest Inspectors that they have used in the past or, if you don’t feel comfortable using theirs, Google is your friend!  Remember to check their reviews though!  Ensure that you confirm that they can carry out both aspects of the report, building and pest.  In some cases, you may need to engage separate inspectors.

Only a combined building and pest inspection will give you a full assessment of the property. Building only inspections report on structural safety hazards and defects, whilst a pest inspection determines whether there are any or potential pest or termite infestations within the property. In Queensland it is recommended that both a building and pest inspection is carried out to ensure the state of the property before purchase.

Should the report contain areas of concern, this does not necessarily mean the immediate termination of the contract.  There are a couple of options for you: 

  • Provide a copy of the report to the seller and request that they fix all/part of the issues
  • Negotiate a reduction in price to a certain value so that the building and pest clause can then be satisfied

Even if you have family members that are building and pest inspectors, it is usually recommended that you engage the services of an independent inspector.

Unless you are buying a brand-new property, fair wear and tear should be considered as acceptable and not a reason to withdraw from the purchase.

Some of the more commonly reported building and pest issues are:

    • Moisture
    • Pest infestation
    • Previous pest infestation (non Active)
    • Insufficient/No pest barrier
    • Plumbing and electrical defects

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